Individual tutoring

What does tutoring and mentoring consist of?

The main goal of this programme is to accompany new students at the School. Organised in small groups, they are assigned a tutor and a mentor.

The tutor is a professor who has graduated from the School. The tutors perform their role alongside a mentor. The mentor is a second year or higher student (including Masters).


What are the main features of the programme?

On the first day of class there is an ice-breaking activity for the students, tutors and mentors. This is an extensive activity for introductions and where the groundwork shall be laid for how the tutorials shall proceed throughout the academic year.

Once the programme gets underway, each group shall organise the way they move ahead according to their needs. Fundamentally, a series of periodic meetings for guidance are held throughout the academic year with the option of going to either the tutor or mentor whenever necessary (on demand).

Also, the first day of class students receive training on handling the main corporate tools, gain email access, access to the virtual campus, Wi-Fi connection and coordination platforms on TEAMS, etc.

You can see more details about this programme on this link:  Personal Tutoring Programme

When did this initiative start?

New students have been accompanied in small tutorials since the school was founded in 1998. Throughout these years the choice of tutors has changed and in the academic year 2019/20 graduate professors from the School were chosen as their experience would help support the students. From the academic year 2021/22 mentors also took on this duty.

If you wish to participate as a mentor on this programme, please contact
