Información Académica

Escuela de Ing. Industrial y Aeroespacial - TO

Calendario, horarios, exámenes y tutorías

Academic year 2023/24

Planes de estudios, información general y documentación de las titulaciones impartidas en la EIIA

Degree in Electrical Engineering
Degree in Industrial Electronics and Automatic Engineering
Degree in Aerospace Engineering
Master in prevention of occupational hazards
Title of Specialist in Augmentative and Alternative Communication Assisted with Technology

TFGs, prácticas en empresa, movilidad

Degree in Electrical Engineering
Degree in Industrial Electronics and Automatic Engineering
Degree in Aerospace Engineering
Master in prevention of occupational hazards
Title of Specialist in Augmentative and Alternative Communication Assisted with Technology

Revisión de calificaciones, evaluación compensatoria, conv. especial finalización

Degree in Electrical Engineering
Degree in Industrial Electronics and Automatic Engineering
Degree in Aerospace Engineering
Master in prevention of occupational hazards
Title of Specialist in Augmentative and Alternative Communication Assisted with Technology