Admission and enrolment
Second admission period 2022-23 in progress, from Nov 4th to Dec 15th
Annual supervision and evaluation (Activities and Research Scheme)
EID-UCLM Transversal Training
Offer of training activities organized by EID-UCLM
University of Castilla-La Mancha
The UCLM International Doctorate School (EID, Escuela Internacional de Doctorado) is the centre in charge of organizing, within its remit, doctoral teachings and activities at our University.
EID offers a total of eighteen doctoral programmes, distributed in the five branches of knowledge, eleven of which are UCLM-only, while the other seven are inter-university programmes run in collaboration with other Spanish institutions.
The University of Castilla-La Mancha has 40 teaching centers, 36 departaments and 37 research centers, distributed among its campuses in Albacete, Ciudad Real, Cuenca and Toledo, and its twin headquarters in Almadén and Talavera de la Reina. These are where the lines of research supporting doctoral students’ work on their theses are pursued.
Se otorgarán seis premios nacionales que contarán con una dotación económica de 500 euros cada uno, financiados por la Fundación Larramendi.
La UCLM refuerza su servicio de atención psicológica a la comunidad universitaria y ofrecerá también orientación psicopedagógica