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Open Doors Day - RSEQ 2021



The teaching suggestions presented here are a starting point for working with the panels, and the associated information in each year's documents, of the NOBEL PRIZES FOR CHEMISTRY OF THE 21ST CENTURY project. Obviously, no one better than you can design an activity to carry out with your students, depending on the year, level, subject, etc.

Each worksheet lists a series of activities at three different levels:

  • GENERAL QUESTIONS, which coincide in all cases and refer to common aspects of research and its impact on society.
  • SPECIFIC QUESTIONS, which refer both to issues that are directly addressed in each text and to collateral issues that appear in the texts, but with which students are familiar from their high school classes.
  • (POSSIBILITY OF) INTERDISCIPLINARY WORK, if you are working on a STEAM project in your school, you may find our initiative very useful as reflected in the worksheets.

It goes without saying that, although this activity refers to the Nobel Prizes in Chemistry, it can be addressed from other subjects such as Biology, Physics, Mathematics, Geology...

We hope you like it and that you find this project useful and useful.

If you would like any additional information, or collaboration, please do not hesitate to contact those responsible for the project here.


The suggested activities are collected annually in the following links: