

Año de Formación
(+34) 926053108
MOVIL (+34) 649576785
Las líneas de investigación de este grupo se alinean con la RIS3 de Castilla-La Mancha en los sectores siguientes:
  • medio ambiente y energía
  • bioeconomía
  • educación
El grupo de investigación se encuadra perfectamente en dos líneas prioritarias de la RIS3, “Medio Ambiente y Energía” y “Bioeconomía”. También tiene relación con otros factores transversales para el desarrollo económico de los sectores prioritarios, concretamente para las personas, al promover un desarrollo de las actividades agroforestales que generan riqueza y, por tanto, ocupación social. Dentro de medio ambiente, el grupo está trabajando en aspectos de apoyo a la regeneración y gestión forestal sostenible, aspectos relacionado íntimamente con ADAPTACIÓN y MITIGACIÓN DEL CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO, claves para la bioeconomía en el sector forestal. Por otra parte, y dentro de la energía y bioeconomía, el grupo ha realizado y continúa realizando experiencias científicas con especies del género Paulownia, Morera y Zumaque, para su utilización como cultivo bioenergético útil para empresas de biocombustibles de 2ª generación y a otros productos agroalimentarios y farmacológicos
Pertenece a Cytema


The researchers of the Environment Section of the Renewable Energy Research Institute have a long career as a research group, widely demonstrated both in the development of Research (in the form of Doctoral Thesis or Research Projects) and the Development of agreements with companies. This Section constitutes a multidisciplinary university group formed by forest engineers, agronomists, biologists, environmentalists and physicists, which contribute their specific training in the development of different studies and I+D+i projects.


These different approaches are reflected in the diversity of objectives that are addressed in the Section, among which the research on the nature and effects of environmental impacts that originate as a result of the enormous development of alternative energies in our country, and the application of techniques and procedures for monitoring and evaluating the environmental impact of this type of project. In parallel, a series of scientific activities are developed within the field of forest management in the new context of global change, applied in the study of the regeneration of masses of conifers.

At the same time, outstanding is the work done in the inventory and estimation of forest and agricultural biomass (eg reforestation of agricultural land with fast growing species), as well as in the measurement of CO2 and H2O flows in forestry and agricultural systems in Castilla - La Mancha.

Last but not least, the study of the biochemical and microbiological properties of soils from different forest ecosystems and subject to different silvicultural treatments, as impact indicators.



1. Environmental Impact Studies.

  • 2 Sonometer ACLAN, modelo SdB01.
  • 2 Cone penetrometer RIMIK, model CP40 II.


2. Applied dendrochronology.

  • 2 Tree rings measurement equips trademark RINNTECH, model LINTAB.


3. Forestry instrumentation and physiologic equipment for plants and flux measurements

  • Complete forest measurement equipment for 10 users, consisting of calipers, hypsometers, bark calipers, increment borers, compasses, tape measures, digital gauges, milestones, bitterlich relascopes, GPS and pocket stereoscopes.
  • Complete biomass measurement equipment in the field, composed of two chainsaws, personal protection equipment, three weighing scales in the field (max 60, 120 and 1,000 kg) and a precision balance (max. 6 kg).
  • 2 LAI measuring equipment, model LAI-2000 (LICOR), for LAI measurement.
  • 1 Device for measuring photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), model LI-250A Light Meter (equipped with the LI-190SA Quantum Sensor sensor, LICOR).
  • 2 Analyzers for measuring CO2 and water vapor in the measuring chamber, with an integrated IRGA cell in the chamber, trademark LICOR, models LI-6400 and LI-6400 XT.
  • 1 special chamber for fluorescence measurements of chlorophyll, model LI 6400-40.
  • 1 Chamber for measuring photosynthesis in coniferous (branches), model LI 6400-05.
  • 1 Chamber for measurement of photosynthesis in needles, model LI 6400-07.
  • 1 Chamber for measuring CO2 on the ground, trademark LICOR, model LI 6400-09.
  • 1 CO2 injector in LI-6400XT, model LI 6400-01.
  • 2 portable gaseous floor exchange analyzers, trademark LICOR, model LI-COR 8100 and LI-COR 8150 Multiplexer (with 8 independent measuring chambers).
  • 1 Hipsometer-ultrasonic distance meter, model VERTEX III DME.
  • 2 Dendrometer-distance meters, trademark LASER TECHNOLOGY INC., Model CRITERION RD 1000.
  • 2 Hypsometer-distance meters, trademark LASER TECHNOLOGY INC., Model True-Pulse.
  • 1 Stereoscope WILD AVIOPRET model APT2.
  • 1 Image Analyzer of foliar samples, DELTA T.
  • 1 Scholander pressure chamber, model 3005, for measuring water potential in sheets.
  • 1 Mobile Terrestrial Laser Lidar (Zebrevo).
  • 12 Sap flow measurement equipment.
  • 60 measuring equipment in continuous diametral growth
  • 1 sample drying oven of 0.75 m3 capacity.


4. Equipment for measuring the net productivity of the ecosystem (NEP) through micrometeorological techniques.

  • 5 "Eddy Covariance" stations for measuring CO2 and H2O fluxes, composed mainly of 3-dimensional sonic anemometer (YOUNG 81000 and CSAT-3), infrared gas analyzer (LI-7500), dataloggers (LI-7550 and CR5000) , among other components (probes of temperature and relative humidity of the air, sensor for the measurement of the net radiation, sensors of flow of heat in soil, etc). These stations are located in: 2 towers in Public Utility Forest (PUF) No. 133 "Ensanche de Las Majadas" (Las Majadas, Cuenca), 2 towers in Monte UP nº 166 "Dehesa de Abajo" (Almodóvar del Pinar, Cuenca), and 1 tower in "Manzaneque" (El Bonillo, Albacete).
  • 1 "Eddy Covariance" station for measuring CO2, H2O and CH4 fluxes composed mainly of 3-dimensional sonic anemometer (YOUNG 81000), infrared gas analyzer (LI-7500), datalogger (LI-7550), among other components ( probes for air temperature and relative humidity, sensor for the measurement of net radiation, soil heat flux sensors, etc). Pending installation.
  • 2 "Bowen Ratio" stations for measuring CO2 and H2O fluxes, composed of infrared gas analyzer (LI-7000) and datalogger (CR3000), among other components (probes for air temperature and relative humidity, sensor for the measurement of net radiation, sensors of heat flow in soil, etc). Both stations are located at Monte UP nº 166 "Dehesa de Abajo" (Almodóvar del Pinar, Cuenca).
  • 4 Meteorological stations composed of datalogger (METEODATA 3000C), temperature probe and relative humidity of the air, pluviometer of tilting cups, etc. These stations are located in: 1 tower on (PUF) No. 106 "Los Palancares y Agregados" (Cuenca, Cuenca), 1 tower on (PUF) No. 133 "Ensanche de Las Majadas" (Las Majadas, Cuenca), 1 tower on (PUF) No. 166 "Dehesa de Abajo" (Almodóvar del Pinar, Cuenca), and 1 towers in the "Manzaneque" area (El Bonillo, Albacete).


5. Evaluación de la calidad de suelos agrícolas y forestales.

  • 1 Espectrofotómetro de masas, marca PERKIN ELMER, modelo Lambda 25 Uv/Vis Spectrometer.
  • 1 Espectrómetro de emisión óptica (ICP-OES), modelo Varian 700-ES.
  • 1 Analizador de Carbono Orgánico Total, marca SHIMADZU, modelo TOC-V CSH.
  • 1 Equipo automático para la determinación de Nitrógeno Kjeldhal, marca VELP SCIENTIFICA.
  • 1 Analizador de CO2 IR, marca PBI DANSENSOR, modelo CheckMate II.
  • 1 Horno de mufla, marca HOBERSAL, modelo HD-150 “PA”.
  • 1 Horno de mufla, marca HORBESAL, modelo12 PR/300. Serie 8B.
  • 1 Balanza electrónica analítica, marca SARTORIUS, modelo CP-224 S.
  • 1 Balanza de precisión, marca GRAM, serie ST 500.
  • 1 Congelador, marca INDESIT
  • 2 Frigoríficos, marca BEKO
  • 1 Centrifuga, marca NAHITA, modelo 2690.
  • 1 Baño agitador, modelo OVAN.
  • 1 pH-metro, marca HORIBA, modelo D-54.
  • 1 Agitador magnético-calentador, modelo Falc.
  • 1 Destilador de agua osmotizada tipo II, marca WASSERLAB ECOMATIC, modelo RO 2000.
  • 1 Mass spectrophotometer PERKIN ELMER, model Lambda 25 Uv / Vis Spectrometer.
  • 1 Optical emission spectrometer (ICP-OES), model Varian 700-ES.
  • 1 Total Organic Carbon Analyzer, SHIMADZU, model TOC-V CSH.
  • 1 Automatic equipment for the determination of Nitrogen Kjeldhal,  VELP SCIENTIFICA.
  • 1 IR CO2 Analyzer, PBI DANSENSOR, CheckMate II model.
  • 1 muffle furnace,  HOBERSAL, model HD-150 "PA".
  • 1 muffle furnace, HORBESAL model12 PR / 300. Series 8B.
  • 1Bomb Calorimeter trademark IKA, model C 200.
  • 1 analytical electronic balance, SARTORIUS, model CP-224 S.
  • 1 Precision balance, GRAM, ST 500 series.
  • 2 Freezer, INDESIT
  • 3 Refrigerators, BEKO brand
  • 1 Centrifuge, NAHITA, model 2690.
  • 1 Stirrer bath, OVAN model.
  • 1 pH meter, HORIBA brand, model D-54.
  • 1 Magnetic stirrer-heater, model Falc.
  • 1 Type II osmotic water distiller, WASSERLAB ECOMATIC brand, model RO 2000


6. Other equipment.

  • Cross-country vehicle (Nissan Terrano II, 2.7 intercooler).
  • Towing platform, MATILSA, model Parma 12T, with hydraulic stabilizers.
  • Drill, brand AEG, model BDSE 12 TSX).
  • Trailer coupled to cross-country vehicle for 1000 kg. of net charge.

Offer of services to companies and public entities

Parallel to the research developed, the Environment Section offers advisory services and analysis in the forestry, agricultural and environmental sectors. We offer comprehensive services to companies, organizations and individuals. These services can be carried out with companies and individuals, within the framework of a CONTRACT FOR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES WITH THE UNIVERSITY OF CASTILLA-LA MANCHA (UCLM), under art. 83 of the L.O. 6/2011 of Universities and to art. 170 of the Statutes of the UCLM.

Among these Services, we offer:

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  1. Management of forest ecosystems and silvicultural treatments, including forestry inventory activities, management planning, and silviculture, as well as the ecological, economic and social repercussions of such forestry activities. In parallel, we offer advice on forest certification procedures of Sustainable Forest Management
  2. Prospective studies and agronomic trials of different energy crops developed in Castilla-La Mancha, as well as advice on experimental design and cultural care. In addition, the study of the necessary operations (collection, transport, storage, etc.) is carried out to obtain the residual biomass in suitable conditions for use in biomass plants.
  3. Evaluation of CO2 fluxes, of great importance before the new law of geological storage of CO2 (Law 40/2010, of December 29, of geological storage of carbon dioxide). In addition, the methodology developed by our Section allows the quantification of the sink effect or source of the main Mediterranean ecosystems, allowing to accurately evaluate this concept for national accounting purposes and, where appropriate, for payment for environmental services that probably will not take long to be implemented.
  4. Development of carbon absorption projects based on Real Decreto 163/2014 of 14 March, which creates the carbon footprint registry, compensation and CO2 absorption projects.
  5. Measurement of methane (CH4) fluxes using "Eddy Covariance" techniques. Our group is able to offer services for the quantification of methane emissions (CH4) that certain agricultural activities can perform (livestock companies, landfills, lagoon areas, peat bogs, etc ...).
  6. Development and application of Environmental Impact Studies, as well as Environmental Surveillance Programs for projects and activities submitted to the Impact Evaluation procedure. In this sense, the Section has the accreditation number AECE-0120 as Authorized Entity by the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment of the Board of Communities of Castilla-La Mancha, for the Monitoring and External Control of Critical Points of Projects and Activities, which authorizes us to conduct studies of flora, fauna, water, soils and geomorphology.
  7. Estimation and treatment of agricultural residues and by-products, through the development and application of methodologies that allow the evaluation of residual biomass from crops, livestock housing, forest stands and agro-food industries as raw material for energy production.
  8. Studies of load capacity and management of natural spaces, through the development of environmental indicators applicable to studies of quantity and frequency of attendance in natural spaces; identification of impacts and global assessment for recreational use, to propose new management models for public use.
  9. Development and application of Environmental Management Systems (Standard UNE-EN ISO 14001 and EMAS Regulation) in companies producing renewable energies, through the application of a practical methodology for the determination and measurement of indicators for environmental diagnosis, generating in this way a series of instruments necessary for the sustainable environmental management of companies producing renewable energy.
  10. Realization of environmental sustainability reports, in which the probable significant effects on the environment that may arise from the application of a specific plan or program are identified, described and evaluated. These reports also contain reasonable, technically and environmentally viable alternatives (including the zero alternative, by which the non-execution of the plan or program is understood) that take into account the objectives and the territorial scope of application of the plan or program.
  11. Training and Awareness Activities, through the delivery of specialized courses in Forest Management and Environmental Impact Assessment.

Proyects for companies

  • Project of Forest Management owned by the Benítez brothers, located mainly in the municipality of Cardenete (Cuenca). Ref. UCTR140279. Financing entity: ENERGÍAS RENOVABLES TARAZONA, SA. Duration, from: 01/10/2014 to: 02/28/2015.
  • Contract for Technological Support and Services (Art.83 of the L. O. 6/2011 of Universities) for the realization of the work entitled Restriction of the precipitation and binomial plant-soil in Mediterranean ecosystems (Ref .: UCTR 150079). Financing: CEBAS-CSIC. Duration: 01/12 / 2014-31 / 12/2016 (24 months).
  • Technical Assistance in forest management and exploitation. Financing NATURE AND TECHNOLOGY OF LA MANCHA S.L. Duration: 10/02 / 2014-15 / 07/2014.
    R & D Contract (Art.83 LOU) for the Realization of the Project Use of Forest Biomass: Pellets and other Biofuels (Ref .: UCTR120331). Financing: ERTA-ENERGÍAS RENOVABLES TARAZONA S.A. Duration: 01/06/2011-31/05/2014.
  • Realization of a technical report to carry out silvicultural treatments in the forest stand of public utility nº 222 "Pinar Nuevo" Ref. UCTR140042. Financing entity: CITY OF SAN CLEMENTE (CUENCA) CIF: P-1619900B. Date: 01-30-2014 - until: 07-02-2014.
  • Collaboration framework agreement between the company NATURALEZA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE LA MANCHA SL -NATURTEC- (c.i.f. b-02361111) "and the University of Castilla-La Mancha (08-05-2014) Ref. CMC14005.
  • Contract for the provision of services (Art.83 LOU) for the technical assistance project Methodological Guide for the environmental assessment and monitoring of photovoltaic solar plants (shows the Bonillo) (Ref .: UCTR130010). Financing: Environmental Ideas S.L. Duration: 01/07/2013- 30/12/2013.
  • Contract for the provision of services (Art.83 LOU) for Analytical Humidity of coniferous and hardwood. Financing: NOVARTIX TRADING. Duration: 20/06 / 2013-31 / 06/2013.
  • Tests for distinctness, uniformity and stability (dus) and value for cultivation and use testing of the clone in vitro 112® (vcu). Financing: IN VITRO SL. Duration: 01/06 / 2013-31 / 08/2013.
  • Contract for the provision of services (Art.83 LOU) for characterization of quality, toxicity and calorific value of chicken pellets (REf .: UCTR130215). Finances: Association of Breeders of Birds of Castilla-la Mancha. Duration: 28/06 / 2013- 07/19/2013.
  • Contract for the provision of services (Art.83 LOU) for technical assistance Completion of the Evaluation Report of the project "Development of singular sealed enclosures for the preparation of viaduct piles in protected environments" for its certification as R & D / IT as appropriate 06/17/2013). (Ref .: UCTR130196). Financing: ABACO AUDITORES CONSULTORES, SL. Duration: 17/06 / 2013-17-07-2013.
  • Contract for the provision of services (Art.83 LOU) for the Technical Assistance Project for the Study of Affection to the habitat of photovoltaic solar plants (shows El Bonillo) (Ref .: UCTR130009). Financing: Environmental Ideas S.L. Duration: 01/01 / 2013-30 / 06/2013.
  • Environmental impact study of the environmental complex of waste management in the t.m. of Almoacid del Marquesado (Cuenca). Financing entity: PROCUSA - environmental products PROCUSA SL. Ref. Uctr120033. Duration: start date: 12/19/2011, end date: 05/19/2012.
  • Comprehensive document for the treatment of non-hazardous waste from ALMONACID DEL MARQUESADO (CU) (20 OCT 2011). Financing entity: PROCUSA - PRODUCTOS AMBIENTALES PROCUSA SL. Ref. UCTR110330. Duration: Start date: 01/10/2011 End date: 12/31/2011.
  • Monitoring and environmental monitoring programs of projects and type activities subject to environmental impact assessment in Castilla-La Mancha. REf.UCTR090002. Financing entity: ENEL UNION FENOSA RENOVABLES, SA. Duration: Start date: 01/01/2009 End date: 12/31/2010.
  • Title of the project: ONE MILLION TREES. (UCTR070143). Financing entity: Social work of the Caja de Ahorros and Monte de Piedad of Madrid. Duration, from: 29-5-2007 to: 31-12-2010.
  • Environmental impact study of a 20MW thermoelectric solar power plant "Ref. UCTR090113, Financing entity: TARAZONA TERMOSOLAR, SL Duration: Start date: 04/15/2009 End date: 06/15/2009.
  • R & D contract between the University and the Commonwealth of Cabañeros for the realization of the work whose title is "It is the abandonment of the uncorking dangerous for the survival of the cork oaks trees and for the restart of the use". Ref. UCTR090044. Date: from 02/15/2009 to 09/15/2009.
  • R & D contract of the activity "Forestry inventory of the UP forest nº 18" Cabeza De Carrascosa "of the municipality of Villalba de La Sierra (Cuenca)". Date: from 20-11 / 2007 to 04-30-2008.
  • Project for the concession of water and waste for the 50MW solar thermal power station SOLABEN 12. REf. UCTR080316. Start date: 01/10/2008 End date: 12/01/2008.
    R & D contract for the activity "Advice for the preparation of the environmental impact study for the La Alquería solar field project, in the municipality of Jumilla (Murcia)". Member of the research team. Work commissioned by the company Gil Cutillas, S.L. Date: from 04/01/2007 to 07/31/2007.
  • R & D contract of the activity "Technical assistance for the preparation of the environmental report in the planning of the eco-urbanization" Hoya de la Carrasca "Jumilla, Murcia". Work commissioned by the company Gil Cutillas, S.L. Date: from 06. 28-2006 to 28-10-2006.
  • R & D contract for the activity "Inventory of trees not associated with gardens in the city of Albacete and Pedanías" .REf. UCTR060053. Member of the research team. Work commissioned by the company Unimedia Desarrollos Multimedia S.L. (CIF B-02315679). Contributions of the group: Inventory field work and quality control. Date: from 03-22-2006 to 05-31-2006.
  • Valuation Report of the Plantations, Trees and Vegetable Masses (Ref. UCTR040056) that existed in the Parcel 430 of the Polygon 71 of Albacete. Date: 05/05/2004 to 05/14/2004.
  • Activity Contract: Environmental monitoring plan for the 132 Kv power line between the wind farms of the Sierra de la Pela-St Guadalajara. REf. UCTR010018 (under the application of article 11 of the L.R.U. University of Castilla-La Mancha) for the company IBERINCO, S.A. From 03/12/2001 to 06/30/2003.
  • Study of sustainability and optimization of water use in the Campo de Montiel aquifer (UCTR020054). Date: 01-05-2002 TO -31-10-2002.
  • Activity Contract: "Environmental monitoring plan for the Pozo Cañada wind farm (Albacete)" Ref. UCTR000067 (under the application of article 11 of the L.R.U. University of Castilla-La Mancha) for the company IBERINCO, S.A. 12-06-2000 to 12/31/2002.
  • Market study on potential and identification of viable projects for the use of biomass from forest waste of Castilla-La Mancha. Co-director of the Project, in collaboration with the Foundation Conde del Valle de Salazar-E.T.S.I.Montes- Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Work commissioned by the Energy Management Agency of Castilla-La Mancha (AGECAM). Date: from 06-25-2001 to 10/31-2001.
  • Environmental impact study of the Las Navas wind farm (Toledo) "REf. UCTR010017 (under the application of article 11 of the L.R.U. University of Castilla-La Mancha) for the company IBERINCO, S.A. Date from 06/03/2001 to 21/09/2001.
  • Environmental impact study of the Pozo-Cañada wind farm (Albacete) ". REf. UCTR980006. Financing entity: IBERINCO. Start date: 03/31/98. End date: 08/31/98.
  • Study of the environmental impact of the wind farm of Morrablancar (Hoya-Gonzalo, Albacete) ". Financing entity: IBERINCO. Start date: 03/31/98. End date: 06/01/98.
  • Inventory and restoration of Mount Dehesa Boyal de El Bonillo (Albacete), subsidized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment of Castilla-La Mancha, as provided in the Order of January 27, 1995. (02/19/96 to 30 / 06/96).
  • Third revision of the ordination of the mountain called -Loma de la Albarda- of the Public Utility catalog No. 47, of the municipality of Peñascosa (Albacete), carried out through a research contract carried out by the Ministry of Agriculture of Castilla-La Mancha , through Art. 11 of the LRU (07/01/90 to 12/31/90).
real photo of a research project