Service for disabled users

The library provides a personalised service for users whose  access to the library resources and services in  usual access conditions is restricted.

This is done by:

  • Facilities for accessing buildings and rooms, furniture and adapted resources (hardware and software).
  • Accessible website.
  • Maintaining our web resources in a totally accessible form, personalized service and by installing the resources that are necessary in every situation.
  • Providing suitable infrastructures for disabled users.


Accessibility for the blind

In order to provide access to the visually impaired, the UCLM libraries have computer equipment with  tiflotechnical adaptations (jaws, zoomtext, scanners...) which make it easier to access information and for visually-impaired persons who are studying on the different campuses to communicate.

The libraries on the Albacete campus that have these adapted systems are the General Library and that of the Faculty of Law. In Ciudad Real, the General Library and those located in the Faculty of Law and the School of Teacher Training have them. On the Cuenca Campus the General Library has this service, while in Toledo there is adapted equipment at the General Library, on the Munitions Factory Campus and at the Talavera de la Reina Library.

This initiative has been promoted by the UCLM and ONCE ( National Organization for the Blind in Spain) and is a pioneering experience among Spanish universities as whole.

Moreover, the UCLM has a  Support Service for Disabled People, whose function is to provide a service to all students at the local university who have some type of disability, whether this is physical, sensorial or a chronic illness which affects their studies.