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Interesting energy simulation work was exposed to various experts in Rome.

Juan Fco. Belmonte participates in the International Congress "16th IBPSA Building Simulation Conference" in Rome.

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Juan Fco. Belmonte participates in the International Congress "16th IBPSA Building Simulation Conference" in Rome.


 The researcher and teacher in the “E.T.S. de Ingenerios Industriales de Albacete”, Juan Fco. Belmonte, participated during the 1-4 of September in the International Conference “16th IBPSA Building Simulation Conference”, which took place in the Angelicum Congress Center of Rome. Our colleague presented the work entitled: “Study Of The Heat Recovery Potential Of Water-to-air Heat Pumps In A Closed-loop System In Office Buildings”. In addition, he acted as Co-Chair for the plenary session “Building Physics”. This international conference is celebrated every two years in a different country of the world, becoming the reference conference in the building simulation sector.

 The International Building Performance Simulation Association, is a non-profit international society of building performance simulation researchers, developers and practitioners, dedicated to improving the built environment.
