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IEA Task 25 Meeting held in Rome

The Renewable Energy Research Institute of UCLM participates in a meeting of the International Energy Agency

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The Renewable Energy Research Institute of UCLM participates in a meeting of the International Energy Agency


IEA Task 25 Meeting

Professor Emilio Gómez Lázaro has taken part in a meeting held in Rome from October 31st to November 3rd, organized by Task 25 of the International Energy Agency (IEA). He presented the work titled "Comparison between conditions during curtailments and VRES balancing market participation," with the collaboration of Professor Sergio Martín Martínez, who is also affiliated with the Research Center.

IEA Task 25 analyzes and develops methodologies that assess the impact of variable generation on power and energy systems. This information facilitates economically feasible wind energy penetration in electricity systems worldwide. Task 25 summarizes results from participating countries and formulates best practice recommendations for system impact and integration studies.

The ultimate objective of Task 25 is to provide information to facilitate the highest economically feasible wind energy penetration within electricity power systems worldwide. This task supports this goal by analyzing and further developing the methodology to assess the impact of wind power on power systems

Task 25 started in 2006 and is now in its sixth term (2021-2024). As the work has evolved from wind integration studies to cover both wind and solar energy, and both electricity and energy systems. The international forum has been formed for the exchange of experience gained and studies conducted. The case studies address different aspects of power system operation and design:


  • Impacts of variability and uncertainty on cycling losses of generators, balancing, and reserve requirements.
  • Capacity value of wind power.
  • Efficient use of existing transmission capacity and requirements for new network investments.
  • System stability issues.


This research was funded This work was partially supported by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, the European Union (Next GenerationEU and FEDER the AEI through project PID 2021 126082 OB C 21 and by the Council of Communities of Castilla La Mancha (Junta de Comunidades de Castilla La Mancha, JCCM) through project SBPLY/ 19 180501 000287 and UCLM 2022 GRIN 34380
