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The Institute of Renewable Energy Research shares its experience with the TREATY project at the Sensemaking congress held in Bologna


The Institute of Renewable Energy Research shares its experience with the TREATY project at the Sensemaking congress held in Bologna


The Institute of Renewable Energy Research has participated in the ‘Sensemaking Workshop’ congress held in Bologna, Italy, on May 14th, 15th, and 16th.

During this event, experiences from the European project Treaty (https://treaty-project.eu/, NURTURING DEEP TECH TALENTS FOR CLEAN & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY TRANSITION), in which the IER is involved, were shared. Participants from 16 different projects of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) gathered to reflect on synergies between the various projects and share best practices that have been implemented.

Furthermore, within the framework of the mentioned project, the UCLM has organized the following two recent training courses, fully funded by the European project:

  • Distribution Network Optimization for Improved Renewable Energy Generation Efficiency.

Course dates: 27/05/2024 - 15/07/2024.
Schedule (subject to modification): Tuesday and Thursday evenings (18:00 to 20:00).
Click here for information, registration and enrollment.

  • Machine Learning with Python.

Course dates: 28/05/2024 - 28/06/2024.
Click here for information, registration and enrollment.

