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The Institute for Research in Renewable Energies collaborates in a study by the Ministry of Industry and Tourism


The Institute for Research in Renewable Energies collaborates in a study by the Ministry of Industry and Tourism


The Institute for Research in Renewable Energies collaborates in a study by the Ministry of Industry and Tourism on the supply chains of the strategic sectors of battery production for electromobility and the production of green hydrogen in Spain.

The Institute for Research in Renewable Energies collaborates in a study of the supply chains of the strategic sectors of battery production for electromobility and the production of green hydrogen in Spain. On May 8, a face-to-face working group meeting took place, focused on understanding in depth the vulnerabilities and critical dependencies that affect these two sectors, with the ultimate goal of developing relevant recommendations and measures to strengthen the strategic autonomy of our country in these vital areas.

The working group was composed of prominent specialists from each sector, from companies and associations, along with research centers such as CENER and CIEMAT. The Institute for Research in Renewable Energies and the University of Castilla-La Mancha was represented by Emilio Gómez Lázaro, Director of the Research Center. Professor Gómez Lázaro participated in his role as a member of the Alliance for Energy Research and Innovation (ALINNE), an entity in which he also participates representing all Spanish Universities (CRUE). ALINNE is a non-profit initiative born to unite and coordinate efforts among all agents in the energy R&D+i value chain, to respond to the main challenges that R&D+i policy has in the energy sector, contributing to the definition of work guidelines at the national level and European positioning.

Regarding the day, specific topics related to the supply chains of green hydrogen and batteries for electromobility were discussed, seeking to generate innovative ideas and practical measures. The working group consisted of a debate moderated by experts from KPMG and the School of Industrial Organization (EOI), also with the participation of Mr. Jordi García Brustenga, General Director of Industrial Strategy and Small and Medium Enterprises of the Ministry of Industry and Tourism, with the aim of exploring joint strategies that can be applied to both sectors.
