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Órgano convocante: - $name
Colectivo al que se dirige: - $name
Categoría: Convocatoria
Presentación Solicitudes: del 27/02/2024 al 15/03/2024
Fecha Resolución: 12/04/2023

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Provisional resolution published. Period of allegations open until 14:00h (CET) on April 12, 2024.

Call for English Language Assistants. Academic year 24-25

The Vice-Rectorate for Internationalization, through its Language Center (CEL), has as its main objective to promote language teaching. To this end, it offers the university community and the citizens of the region a wide range of training courses. On the other hand, the University's internationalization strategy favors the implementation of new bilingual degrees and master's degrees with the aim of positioning the institution as a reference for foreign students.

With this double objective, the Vice-Rectorate for Internationalization announces 6 scholarships during the academic year 2024/25 of the call for incoming readers for English-speaking students within the Learn Languages Program, under the agreements signed with foreign universities.

Applications may be submitted until 14:00h (CET - Spanish peninsular time) on March 15, 2024.


Bases de la Convocatoria