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Welcome Erasmus Mundus Master Students in Bioproducts Engineering and Sustainable Biomass

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Welcome Erasmus Mundus Master Students in Bioproducts Engineering and Sustainable Biomass


Some twenty students of sixteen nationalities are taking part in the first edition of the Erasmus Mundus Master's Degree in Bioproducts Engineering and Sustainable Biomass developed by the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) together with the University of Technology of Laaperanta-Lahti (Finland) and the University of Science and Technology of Wroclaw (Poland). The programme celebrated its first semester at the Polish university and now continues its second semester at the regional university, where the participants have been received by the Vice-Rector for Internationalisation, Raúl Martín.

The University of Castilla-La Mancha has received today the twenty students from 16 countries who are taking the first edition of the Erasmus Mundus Master in Bioproducts Engineering and Sustainable Biomass, a programme led by the University of Science and Technology of Wroclaw (Poland) and in which, in addition to the regional University, the Lappeenranta University of Technology (Finland) also participates. The students have been received by the vice-rector of the UCLM, Raúl Martín, in the Faculty of Chemical Sciences and Technologies of Ciudad Real, in whose Department of Chemical Engineering they will carry out their academic activity. 

Promoted by the Department of Chemical Engineering at the UCLM, and coordinated by its lecturer Ana María Borreguero, the Master's Degree in Bioproducts and Sustainable Biomass Engineering offers high quality qualified training to design, develop and implement technologies and solutions for the sustainable use of renewable resources. Upon completion, students will also be able to manufacture bio-based products, including biofuels; bioenergy, biochemicals, bioplastics, paper, construction materials, biocomposites and their applications.

The Master in Bioproducts and Sustainable Biomass Engineering is structured in four semesters in the field of chemical engineering, equivalent to 120 ECTS credits. The second semester is taught at the UCLM between February and July and those students who choose to do their Master's Thesis at the UCLM will also study the last semester there. 

For its development, it has received funding of 4.32 million euros within the framework of the European Union's Erasmus Mundus calls for proposals, which will mean five editions will be carried out. Each student receives a grant of 1,400 euros per month for the entire period of study and a travel allowance of 600 euros. 

Along with the vice-rector and the coordinator of the master's degree, the dean of the Faculty of Chemical Sciences and Technologies of the UCLM, Manuel Rodrigo; the general director of Universities, Research and Innovation, Ricardo Cuevas; and the mayoress of Ciudad Real, Eva María Masías, participated in the welcoming ceremony. 

UCLM Communications Office. Ciudad Real, 10 February 2023
