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Dr. Minerva Díaz Heras received the Young Scientist Award 2024, granted by InPath TES

A delegation from the ENERSYS group participated in the Enerstock 2024 congress in Lyon (France)

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A delegation from the ENERSYS group participated in the Enerstock 2024 congress in Lyon (France)


The Enerstock conferences are organized every three years as part of the technological collaboration program on energy storage of the International Energy Agency, and bring together hundreds of researchers from around the world to share and analyze the latest advances in the sector.

The city of Lyon hosted the Enerstock 2024 congress (16th IAE EST CP International Conference on Energy Storage), organized by the International Energy Agency (IAE), in collaboration with the National Institute of Applied Science of Lyon (INSA-Lyon). This congress brought together more than a hundred experts (academics and from the business world) and doctoral students to present the latest developments in the energy storage sector. The Energy Efficiency and Thermal Equipment group (ENERSYS) was represented by Dr. Minerva Díaz Heras and by doctoral students and researchers Leonel Mario Cerutti Cristaldo and Pedro Domínguez Coy.

Leonel Mario Cerutti Cristaldo presented some novelties of the research line related to the improvement of the optical properties of sand particles for thermosolar applications, which seeks that a cheap and very abundant material can be applied for the capture of energy at very high temperature. For his part, Pedro Domínguez Coy presented the results of a numerical study of the erosion that a heat exchanger submerged in a fluidized bed of particles would experience under different temperature and fluidization speed conditions.

It should be noted that Dr. Minerva Díaz Heras received the Young Scientist Award 2024, awarded by InPath TES and which recognizes the scientific work of young researchers.

