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Órgano convocante:
Colectivo al que se dirige:
Categoría: Beca
Presentación Solicitudes: del 29/03/2023 al 28/04/2023
Fecha Resolución:

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Deadline for applications until 28 April 2023

Call for ADRIT UCLM Spanish Bilingual Sections 2023/24

10 study grants are announced on a competitive basis for incoming students for the first year of official undergraduate studies at the UCLM in the 2023/2024 academic year, from among those offered in Annex I of this call, for students who have completed pre-university studies in the Spanish Bilingual Sections of Bulgaria, China, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania and general secondary education institutions in Ukraine with the teaching of Spanish.

Within the framework of the Programme for the Attraction, Development and International Retention of Talent of the University of Castilla-La Mancha (ADRIT UCLM) and the Collaboration Agreement signed between the University of Castilla La Mancha -hereinafter UCLM- and the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training -hereinafter MEFP- for the dissemination of Spanish language and culture and especially to support the internationalisation of Spanish higher education in the countries participating in the Spanish Bilingual Sections Programme, UCLM announces scholarships for official undergraduate studies.

Bases de la Convocatoria
Documentación anexa