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Rama de Ciencias Sociales y Juridicas
Icono de la rama del estudio
240 Total credits
60 Basic
102 Mandatory
24 Optional
6 Bachelor Thesis
48 Internships
Seats for Colleges/Schools

In-Person Class Method
First Years Fees
€ Academic & Registry Fees that Are Included.
Access and Registration

Students who wish to begin official degree studies at the University of Castilla-La Mancha may request it through any of the access routes provided for in current regulations.

In the event that they want to pursue direct enrollment studies, they may formalize their enrollment directly in the degrees designated for each academic year and within the established deadlines.

For the rest of the studies, you must pre-register through our Virtual Secretariat within the established deadlines, and must attach the appropriate documentation in each case through the computer application.

If they wish to participate in the readmission processes, they must request it every time there is a new publication of lists and always for options with more preference than the one awarded.

If you want more information about pre-registration, consult our Pre-registration Guide.

At the time of admission, the student will also receive a registration appointment that can be changed once through our Virtual Secretariat. If you do not formalize your registration within the established period, you will lose your assigned place and it will be offered to students on the waiting list.

Full-time first-year students will enroll in a number of credits no greater than 60 and no less than 48. If their enrollment is part-time, they must enroll in 30 credits. The first-year subjects that are recognized will count for the aforementioned purposes.

The registration fees will depend on the degree of experimental nature of the chosen studies, the number of times each subject is enrolled, the possible credits recognized and the possible exemptions or enrollment bonuses that must be accredited at the time of formalization.

If the student has applied or is going to apply for a scholarship from the general call for aid for university studies of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, they must indicate this at the time of registration, in which case they will only pay the secretarial fees. They may also carry out the payment of the registration fee in one go or split it into a maximum of 10 payments.

If you want more information about registration, consult the Registration Guide.

For any other information related to all academic management processes, contact the Campus Academic Management Units (UGAC) or send your case to the Student Mailbox.


The Commission for the Recognition and Transfer of Credits of the Degree will study the appropriate recognitions for each academic record, upon request by the student.

Based on the provisions of the UCLM Credit Recognition and Transfer Regulations, up to 6 credits may be recognized for participation in university activities. The number of credits recognized for these activities will be counted among the optional credits required in the corresponding study plan


The University of Castilla-la Mancha is firmly committed to international mobility not only in Europe, through the ERASMUS program, but in the rest of the continents through agreements signed with international universities. In this calls section you can find detailed information about international mobility calls.

The UCLM has a Language Center for learning languages, not only English, but also French, German, Italian, Japanese or Arabic, as well as Chinese language and culture through the Confucius Institute.

In addition, the UCLM has a varied offer - which is increasing - of international double degrees, providing the student with professional accreditation in two different countries and therefore facilitating their insertion into the labor market.

Students at UCLM can also choose to participate in national mobility through the SICUE program (System of Exchange between Spanish University Centres), which allows undergraduate students to complete part of their university studies at different Spanish universities. This enables them to experience various teaching systems, as well as the different social and cultural aspects of other regions.

External Practices

External internships in companies and institutions allow students to learn about the business and work reality of their environment, within their respective professions, and facilitate the transition to the job market.

The UCLM has the Employment Information and Promotion Center (CIPE) that helps our students and graduates prepare for their entry into the labor market through the development of skills, contacts with companies and institutions and the use of the appropriate tools. .

Finally, the UCLM has the UCLMEmprende program whose objective is to promote entrepreneurship among students and graduates.